The Soulful Leader Podcast

Finding Your Flow- Steel Energy

Stephanie Allen & Maren Oslac Season 1 Episode 143

Did you know that asking the question ‘how?’ can be dangerous? 

It’s probably the most common question we ask, especially as leaders, and it can destroy the very things we seek to create.

  • How will he get that done? 
  • How do we find more clients? 
  • How will I make 7 figures? 

All great questions, and it’s essential they are asked in the right timing. When the timing is wrong, it’s actually debilitating.

In today’s podcast, Stephanie and Maren talk about the 4th of Energies, the Steel Genius, those who love the question, ‘how?’. The past four podcasts, have explored why it’s important to understand each unique Genius as well as the ‘What?’, ‘Who?’ and ‘When?’ questions those Geniuses' ask. Today Maren and Stephanie reveal the power of the ‘How?’ question and discuss using that power responsibly -to build rather than destroy.

  • 01:06  Steel Energy - the misconception
  • 03:42  Using the ‘How?’ question safely
  • 06:48  Undervalued and underestimated
  • 07:13  Chinese medicine for Steel
  • 08:39  Introvert? Or Extrovert?
  • 11:31  Why this system is unique
  • 13:08  Free Genius Test

This series includes:

Ep 139 explores the role of profile tests in our lives and businesses - how best to use them to get real traction, and the profile test that Stephanie and Maren use as a tool in their own business and with clients.
- Ep 140, 141, 142 & 143 dive into the different Genius energies -Dynamo, Blaze, Tempo and Steel.
- Ep 144 brings it all together with the ‘Why’ element.
- Click here to see all currently published episodes in one place.


13:08  Free Genius Test


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Stephanie Allen:

You are a genius.

Maren Oslac:

But wait a second. How do you know that?

Stephanie Allen:

Everyone is a genius. We just often have been shamed for our gifts and strengths. And so we don't tend to develop our uniqueness in this world. Most of us don't know what that is.

Maren Oslac:

So we've invested the next four podcasts into exploring your genius. In a world where achievements and accolades motivate us to do more and be more, we're often left wondering, is this really it? deep inside, you know, there is more to life, you're ready to leave behind the old push your way through and claim the deeper Welcome back to the soulful leader Podcast. Today we are talking about steel energy. So we've gone fully around the circle. And we're into winter time, at least on this particular profiling system. So we started in spring, we went over to blaze, in spring was Dynamo. We went over to blaze, which was summer. And last week we did Tempo which was fall, Steel energy is winter energy. And the way I think about this is, in winter, things tend to go dormant. And we don't see it, it's like it seems like everything died, right? The leaves are off the trees, things have pulled back, there may be a blanket of snow on the ground. And we don't see anything that's life that's calling you. That's where we excel. We're your going on. So the illusion is that nothing's going on, we hosts, Stephanie Allen think nothing's going on. And yet, under the ground, and and Maren Oslac. within hibernation, and all the, there's so much happening to

Stephanie Allen:

And this is the soulful leader podcast.

Maren Oslac:

Sit back and relax as we share the shortcuts we've prepare for the coming of spring, for the next year. And the analogy for me is so apt with steel people, so if you've uncovered to help you make shift happen. ever had somebody, or if you have somebody in your life, who tends to not say much, seems like there's not much going on, and then comes out with like some brilliant sentence or, you know, like, out of nowhere has a business that's blooming and you're like, how did they do that? They very well may be steel energy.

Stephanie Allen:

A very introverted, very inward deep roots, what's going on underneath the surface, so they may not have an over exuberant exterior, like a blaze person would, getting all excitable. They may be more deeply, deeply going inward and thinking about something and they tend to ask the question, well, how how's that going to happen? How, you know, that's a great idea, and they can be very, in some ways, kind of negative, or they'll point out the details of like, why that won't work. Sometimes. Think in the way of saying, Well, how's that going to work? And how do you know that's gonna, that's going to be a good thing. And so they'll, they'll tend to be the devil's advocate. And we often say, and when we're talking about like going around the seasons, it's interesting that because if you have an original idea being in the springtime, a dynamo energy, kind of thought, if you actually go backwards to a steel energy, then it's going to cut the whole process down. So steel energy is think of an axe. And the Dynamo energy is wood, and what cuts down trees but axes, and so often, they can be seen as dream killers. They're not. It's just that they're having at, they're asking a very good question. It's just not in the right timing of creation. So when you can kind of go around the whole cycle of like, what are we doing? Who is it for? When and where is it going to happen? Then the next logical and reasonable question will be well, how? How does that how does that gonna, you know, how's that going to manifest? Or how's that? And often the steel energy will have the how, once it goes around, from the the what, to the who, the when, and the where the how is very obvious. They're like, Oh, well, I know how to make this happen. Here's the process. Here's the system. I got it. They can measure it. Yeah, so to really respect a steel energy

Maren Oslac:

That is so important because one of the one of the things that I've done with my clients in the past is make sure that when there is an idea session, we either tell the person to have all your details to have all your structures in steel energy to wait or not even be in the room. And that that seems like it may be harsh. And for exactly the reason that place to know what it is, who it's for, when and where it's you're talking about of most steel people can get, once they understand this system, they can get it and they can stay in the room. And they can realize that it needs to go around clock in, going to happen, then you bring them that information, it's got in this instance clockwise, which is through the seasons before it gets to winter, and not go from spring to winter. Right. Because even in nature, if you go from spring to winter, more legs under it, it's got more structures, then they can it's going to kill all the brand new shoots. So there's, it's a, it's a very powerful system in that way, in understanding ideas really look at the details about where that might be maybe not go through the cycles, and, you know, like, the, the, we can't just automatically put a how energy question and that is the question for steel people it is the, if you have somebody who's quite supported, or that they could offer a new system or a always asking how they are more, most likely a steel energy person in, in, in life. process that would help strengthen that system. That's where they offer really great value. But bringing them in too early, it's going to tear it down before it even gets legs. They're fantastic at creating systems. And oftentimes, it's in the background, which is why we think, oh my god that came out of nowhere. No, it just was in the background. And we didn't notice it. So they're oftentimes undervalued. And under estimated, because they are, they've planned this whole, they've got this whole thing going in this whole plan of systematize and like it's all done and ready. And it pops out like completed. Like, how did that happen? They're quite amazing like that.

Stephanie Allen:

Yeah, so in Chinese medicine in the organs that it's kind of related to our lung, and large intestine, those would be your metal organs, which is about really breathing, thinking about breathing life into something. It's like to be able to really take in, so a steel energy gathers information, gathers resources, gathers, gathers, gathers, gathers and accumulates it and then looks at well, what what is the most efficient way to distribute the energy, like they don't waste time and energy, they're very much, when they're done, they're done. Like, this is where it's complete. This is like, what? I had a lord, bookkeeper, and she was always testing me on like, where's this$9 going? Why are you paying $9 for this? And what is it for? Like? How was this helping you? Like, oh, I don't even know what that is. And that Lord saved me more money than making me money. And that's kind of the difference of when you think of a dynamo, blaze energy is more about being able to magnify and create, you know, income, whereas more of the tempo on the tempo steel energy is more about gathering it and multiplying, like being able to then put it into different organization, they're great at organizing great at being able to distill information down to what's important and what isn't. So.

Maren Oslac:

Yeah, one of the interesting things about this particular, you know, we're still talking about wealth dynamics. And what I found is, I actually know a couple of extroverted lords. And we talk about it being more on the introverted side. And one of the things that I noticed about this profiling system is that it doesn't look at introvert extrovert as the way that most systems do. Most systems look at how do we refill our cups. Like how if if, like, when we need to regenerate ourselves, where do we go? In which case, you know, in such a system, I'm actually an introvert because I need to go away in order to like, get myself back together, right? Whereas an extrovert tends to want to be around people, that's where they get their energy from. In this system, it's more about where do you find your information? So steel energy tends to like to do research and read outside of, like by themselves. So my husband is Lord. And he is like the fast, fast I call him the fastest fingers on the internet because I will look for something forever on the internet and just think, oh my god, I just need to ask somebody, because I want information from a person. I want to just ask somebody, tell it to me, give me the information, because he wants to go and do research. And he's gotten really good at it, or he is really good at it. So that's where I see the difference between this system and other systems. And so

Stephanie Allen:

Because sometimes they'll say, you know, someone who's introvert doesn't really care for people or doesn't really want to be around people. But that doesn't always mean in the way of a steel energy in this system. They can very much like people, it has nothing to do with people. It's it's really how they resource themselves.

Maren Oslac:

Yeah. I had an instructor at the studio that was a completely extroverted Lord. I mean, she loved her systems, and she loved her people. So yeah. So that's one of the things that I look at, though, is, are they asking the question how a lot is that would be like, that's their, their go to, right? They want to understand how something's going to happen. And do they really love systems and research? And, you know, like, there's so much going on under the surface, and you don't necessarily realize it.

Stephanie Allen:

And they love to organize and read, yeah, organize and put things in the right place and not give energy to what, what they're done with, you know, don't waste time and

Maren Oslac:

Yeah, well said. So those are the four elements that are the basis of this wealth dynamics system. And what makes it unique is there's actually a fifth element, which is the why element. This is I think, the main reason that Stephanie, and I love this system, because why is the water element, it's where flow is its spirit, and it connects everything. And the energy. higher you go into why something is, the less important, all of

Stephanie Allen:

So it creates the transcendence of all four, and yet includes them, but you are actually up leveling and going to a whole new octave. Yeah. And traditionally, many of the profiling tests were only based on those four qualities. those differences that we just spent four weeks talking about, No one, you know, the industrial age people didn't really care about who or why you are here in this world. They just wanted to actually are right. know can you do the job well, and can you know, so this is what makes us different and this is what the evolution of humanity meet we need to grow into is finding a reason for being.

Maren Oslac:

So join us next week, where we will be exploring And that wraps up another episode of the soulful leader the why element and it will be our final installment in this series of exploring profiling tests for business and for up podcast with your hosts, Stephanie Allen and leveling our own personal personalities and our business personalities. You can find everything on our website if you have not yet found out your own energy head over there now it's a free test. And we will see you all next week on the soulful leader podcast. Maren Oslac. Thank you for listening. If you'd like to dive deeper, head over to our website at the soulful leader

Stephanie Allen:

Until next time,