The Soulful Leader Podcast

Stuck? Elevate Your View & Step into Flow

Stephanie Allen & Maren Oslac Season 1 Episode 144

Do you wake up to a to-do list already waiting for you? Do you ever feel stuck in the life you’ve created?

It’s possible that you are not in flow. One of the quickest ways to step into flow is by starting to live questions instead of answers. This seems counter-intuitive. It’s not. As a child you knew this - your natural state was asking questions - and then you got conditioned out of it.

Questions, especially the question ‘why’, elevate our view and open up space for the potential of the future to enter our lives.

Stephanie and Maren are passionate about this subject and have a vision of every person on the planet stepping into the full potential of the amazing future that is possible. Today’s podcast reflects, and exands on that passion.

Maren and Stephanie cover everything from clear illustrations and visuals of the power of elevating one’s view, to connecting the question ‘why’ with its element of water (flow), to practical ways to get into flow and use questions to quickly transform your life.

This is a perfect podcast to complete their 6 part series on getting into Flow - both personally and professionally. You can find all 6 episodes on the Flow page of their website.

  • 01:06  ‘Why’ is the elevation point, the top of the pyramid
  • 04:04  Creating from the future (potential) instead of repeating the past (what’s known)
  • 07:50  ‘Why’ and the water element -  resiliency & flow - chinese medicine kidneys
  • 10:11  The higher view in business, connecting disparate parts
  • 11:44  Connecting to our calling, embracing the Yin energy of ‘why’
  • 13:28  Leadership - going beyond the need to have the answers
  • 15:14  How to use ‘why’ to open doors

This series includes:
Ep 139 explores the role of profile tests in our lives and businesses - how best to use them to get real traction, and the profile test that Stephanie and Maren use as a tool in their own business and with clients.
~ Ep 140, 141, 142 & 143 dive into the different Genius energies -Dynamo, Blaze, Tempo and Steel.
~ Ep 144 brings it all together with the ‘Why’ element.
Click here to see all currently published episodes in one place.


04:05 Daniel Goodenough & HuPerson Project

18:44 Free Genius Test


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Stephanie Allen:

You are a genius.

Maren Oslac:

But wait a second. How do you know that?

Stephanie Allen:

Everyone is a genius. We just often have been shamed for our gifts and strengths. And so we don't tend to develop our uniqueness in this world. Most of us don't know what that is.

Maren Oslac:

So we've invested the next four podcasts into exploring your genius. In a world where achievements and accolades motivate us to do more and be more, we're often left wondering, is this really it?

Stephanie Allen:

deep inside, you know, there is more to life, you're ready to leave behind the old push your way through, and claim the deeper life that's calling you.

Maren Oslac:

That's where we excel. We're your hosts, Stephanie Allen, and Maren Oslac.

Stephanie Allen:

And this is the soulful leader podcast.

Maren Oslac:

Sit back and relax as we share the shortcuts we've uncovered to help you make shift happen.

Stephanie Allen:

Welcome to the soulful leader podcast. This is Stephanie and I'm here with Maren. And today we are wrapping up our wealth dynamics square with a point. And that point being made, as why. This is our last of the four Dynamo, Blaze, Tempo and Steel, but there is a fifth energy to our wealth dynamics, and to our profiling in our energies. And to us, this one is probably the one that not only integrates all the four but also lifts us up to another level. And it's what makes the wealth dynamics profiling assessment, a little bit different than some of the other ones that you experience out into our world.

Maren Oslac:

I love that you talk about the fifth point of the square because I think a lot of people are like, a square doesn't have five points and depends on how you look at it, it is because it truly becomes a pyramid. So when you look at a pyramid, there's a square on the bottom, and it comes up to a point. And the reason that I'm pointing hahaha pointing that out, is that it gives an elevation of view that you can't get on a flat square. And that's what I really feel like Why, asking the question why, starting with why, like, it's so important because it does elevate our view. And we can run around our lives with the same old same old and from our very flatland our flat square point of view saying, you know, for me, I'm a dynamo, and this is what my life looks like and, and plowing through it, or I can up level it and start with my why. And now I'm in a different conversation, because now my conversation is, well, if I am Dynamo energy in this system, and I'm looking at it from a perspective of why, that's even a great question for me to ask is, why? Why might I have those skills, In this lifetime? Yeah, so that what? what is that calling me to do? Who is that calling me to be?

Stephanie Allen:

It really does ask us to connect at a deeper level. And that is not the typical, you know, we tend to want to know, what are your skills? What are your gifts? What are your strengths? You know, what are your passions? But not a lot of people ask why. And like what you just said, Why do you think you were even born with those, like, there's a reason, there, you know, there's a reason that you are, where you are doing what you, you know, if we can look at our past and, you know, one of one of the wonderful teachings of Daniel Goodenough who works with the HuPerson Project, you know, he talks about that our future is far more powerful than our past. And if we continue to keep creating, you know, from our past, it just kind of gets like, you know, the next best thing, you know, 4.0 or 5.0 level or whatever, but to really create from the future that wants to happen is far more empowering. And that requires us to ask different questions, and to make space to be able to capture what wants to happen. And you can't figure it out. Because figuring it out comes from our past. We've talked about that on our podcasts in the past. So yeah,

Maren Oslac:

do I want to give a like a business example of that. and I So if I'm moving forward with my business, and I keep looking around at other people and what they're doing, which is all good, important to do. And looking at, here, historically, these are the things that have worked again, not a bad thing to do. It's just is that you will always be doing what somebody else has done before.

Stephanie Allen:

Right. And it opens you up for competition, your competitive mode where there's scarcity and yeah, I have to be better, I'm not enough I

Maren Oslac:

I have to do what that person does, but I have to do it better I have to do what those people do, but I have to do it better. And when we can presence the incoming future, which when we ask the question, why. Any question starts to make space. When I ask a question, there's an open space, it's open ended, when I give you an answer, it's no longer open. Here's the answer. That's concrete. Right? When I ask the question why, there's lots of potential answers, which means that I'm living in potential. That's the future, the future is potential. It's wide open. And when I can start to presence that, and have that be my regular go to, instead of the past, now, I'm no longer competing against people. I'm creating my own way, I get to step into my way, co creating it with Spirit and with life by asking questions like big, big ex, existential questions like why, why am I here? Why am I doing this business? Why is my business here? Why have I attracted these particular, you know, team members, or even these clients? I was talking to a woman today. And she had a client, a client actually fired her. And she said, I haven't been, I've been fired twice in 20 years. And she said, at first, it was kind of a little shocking. And then she thought, wait a minute. I just made space for and the minute she thought that, like she got two new clients the next day, and they were more ideal clients. Right? So when we stick to what we've always known, we will get what we've always known.

Stephanie Allen:

Yeah, we always get what we've always got. I think of that question of why, and you think of a child. And we talked about how the importance of having a curiosity and a wonderment, because that does make space and children are constantly asking, Well, why? Why? Why is the moon this color? Or why, why do I have to go to school? Why do I have to eat that broccoli? And, you know, we, you know, and often as children, we hear, well, because I said so, you know, but you know if we actually went in and we understood the deeper meaning of why then it anchors us to a different place. When we talk about resiliency, it's actually cultivating a deeper rootedness that allows us to weather the storm. And, you know, there's been so much research on, like, with couples and relationships of like, with therapists, that when two couples come together, and they're having a really hard time, if they can remember why they fell in love with each other, what was it and that even if it feels like literally a small little mustard seed, it's enough to create some space for a new dialogue to happen. And I see this in all areas of our life. So you know, as we can even do this with ourselves like, why, you know, why am I working? Or why am I not taking a bigger action? Because that why is going to open up space, like I love what you said that it's like, it opens up space for things to happen and possibilities to happen. But it also allows us for guidance, and where this whole idea of why and what the Wealth Dynamics is also about flow. So when the why gets encouraged and engaged, you actually start this movement of flow and flow is water and that's the why comes from the water element, which is kidneys. And you know, it's it's a wonderful thing. And if you look at water, water can go through many different states and forms it can go from Frozen during the winter, it's like an ice cube all the way to warm it up and it becomes liquid and then you keep warming it up and it becomes steam. You cool it down that steam becomes water again, like it has so many different adaptabilities. And I'm not up on, you know about adaptability, I'm more about evolution, but water knows no obstacles. And when water can move and flow, it really transcends dis-ease. Whether that's physical, mental, emotional, you know on all so many levels, it's just if we can get into flow I think so often people will say I just want more balance in my life. You know, I just feel so out of balance or my work and my life are so separate. And this is where the why can actually integrate both of them and not only does it Create Flow and movement, it also rises up it wells up, it's so beautiful. And it creates a collaboration, rather than a separation and a competition.

Maren Oslac:

It does. And you can see that in the form of a pyramid is that it connects the four parts of the square at a higher place from that higher perspective that we're talking about. And so whether that's within ourselves, because one of the things about wealth dynamics is it doesn't say that you're one of these four elements, it's, you have all of them. One of them is where you're more in flow. Right? And so the why really brings that together, like I said, that's even within ourselves. And then when I take that, and I apply that to business, and I take it into teams, the why is what connects all of the, what would be considered disparate parts of teams, and maybe where there's conflict, how to integrate that into a higher story so that we can move into, like evolution, like you said, evolution instead of adapting to something, how does it evolve us? And that all comes from this higher point of why. Exactly.

Stephanie Allen:

So it's, it's such a beautiful question, you know, why, to ask yourself, why. Not did that come from your head, meaning, trying to figure it out, or this kind of things, but to come from a deeper place within yourself. It's like, sometimes we don't realize what something is valuable until it's gone. And then it's like, oh, my gosh, I didn't realize what my why was. And sometimes we don't have an answer in our head as to why we're doing something. But something from the pull within ourselves, says, I don't know why mentally or logically, but there's something that's calling me. And that's another way of also saying about being in flow, it's also about connecting to your calling. And if you're out there and you're listening, it's like oh, I don't have a calling, or I've never found my calling, the calling is the reason it's called the calling is that it is actually always calling you whether or not if we have enough space to actually receive it. And you know, this is the whole idea of of why in the water, water is deeply deeply what they would call in, in Yin, energy. If you think of water, think of rainwater rain comes from above, and it comes down. It's wet, it's cold, it's dark, and it absorbs into the earth. And it's like, that is often an energy that we have not really embodied or encourage people to embody, we tend to be more fire energy, which is more Yang. So it's more of a get up there and make things happen. Push force, figure out, go, go go. And that's that's good, too. But we need to have this why energy, this, this Yin energy that is about receiving and listening and going into the unknown or into the dark places or shadows, not out of, I'm going to attack it and bring it to light, but to actually get to know it to understand it to be in the unknown without trying to fix force or figure out. Yeah, and that's where we can hold that space of asking the question why. And it's a skill.

Maren Oslac:

I love this. Because Yin energy is the unknown, as you were just talking about. And so often, well, it started when we were little right. There had to be an answer to all the questions, our parents felt the need to answer everything. As leaders, we feel like we need to have the answer for everything. We've been trained and conditioned, that we need to have an answer when someone asks a question. The Yin is the unknown. We don't need to have the answer. We need to be on the quest, we need to be asking the question, not to find an answer, but to be in the conversation, to be on the quest to be on the quest because that is what evolves us. And then

Stephanie Allen:

when we go on a quest, you don't go alone, you actually have to enroll other people, other projects, other things. That's where the connections and the collaboration comes, is like to actually be in the unknown. You're not alone. You're not

Maren Oslac:

and as it evolves, you evolve. And then you're so even if I did find an answer, so why am I doing this, and I stay open to it and different things come in and I'm like, Oh, I do I have that answer. I didn't figure it out. It came from my heart. It's not the end. I keep asking the question because I will evolve as a person as I do something, which will then more than likely change my why, change who I am, change what I do, which changes who I am, which changes what I do, which changes who I am. So you're always, it's this ongoing conversation, that we're

Stephanie Allen:

It's not a one and done.

Maren Oslac:

It's not one and done.

Stephanie Allen:

And I think I think again, that's where our society is really hurt us to say it's a one and done, great, you graduated next, right? Instead of, instead of looking at the quest as an enjoyable journey of always evolving and being and doing and being and doing from a different place, rather than I have to do it, or I have to be it, but I get to. Yeah. And to be surprised and delighted by what's going to happen when you can move into that future that's calling you. And you look back, and you're like, wow, that question, why, really transformed me really changed a lot of things that I would not have otherwise been open to.

Maren Oslac:

And one of the, I think the most powerful things about it is that you don't have to sit down and figure it out. So I think a lot of times, people will be like, Oh, I'll do that tomorrow. I'll do that when I have time. I'll do that at some point. Welcome it into your life right now. Like, alright, I'll entertain that question. You don't have to, I mean, it would be great if you sit down and journal about it every morning or something like that, right? If you have the space to add that into your life, I highly recommend it, it will literally transform your life. And if you don't, at least start entertaining the question, think, like, Hmm, I wonder, go to sleep, seed your subconscious with it. As you're going to sleep. So

Stephanie Allen:

many people will say, Well, I don't have time or don't have space to be able to do that. But it's the question that actually makes the space

Maren Oslac:

It does.

Stephanie Allen:

It's like you don't wait to be happy. And then do X, Y, or Z. You actually, I always say you know, happiness, peace, all those things are side effects. But if we can actually ask the question, and we start to create space, and we start to work internally, with the things that are getting in the way, what I mean by that is the itty bitty shitty committee, we start to work with that and go, I wonder why I believe that? Or what happens? You know, when I'm doing it, why, why am I why am I reacting the way I'm, well, maybe I'm believing something or thinking something? And maybe that's not so empowering. Is there, is there something that would be more nourishing to me? like it's this whole journey, the why just is such a lovely connection to all the questions that we talked about, with Dynamo with what and blaze with who and the tempo with when and where and the steel with how that why unites and transforms and evolves all of them. Which makes you a fully whole human being. And so when we come back to that whole balancing part of it, it's not really about balancing, it's about integration, and wholeness is what we're wanting, and it isn't a one and done, it's gonna keep evolving and keep evolving, and it's gonna get better and better and better.

Maren Oslac:

It's very much like the seasons, right? You know, it's like, we don't go through the year and be like, alright, well, we do say, all right, that one's done, right? We're on to the next one. It is similar, like, it will be a constant evolution of, it could be from a flatland of Yep, just another year. Or you could move up the pyramid to the why, and make it a higher place and be like, Oh, it's another year, what could happen.

Stephanie Allen:

So the richness of having a profile test done, whether you're just doing the free genius test that we have on our website, and finding out what your energy is, or you want to go much deeper into, there's actually eight profiles instead of four. And you want to go deeper than that, there's a way of actually connecting into the why and that's what we create space and practices and presencing, for that, for that evolution, to lift you up and to nourish you. So that you can see be feel hear your life and yourself completely differently. And then looking at instead of instead of trying to figure things out to look at what what wants to happen and how those connections can come in and actually nourish you. And you see yourself and others differently.

Maren Oslac:

Yeah, each of those each, each of those eight profiles has its own unique path using these tools that we've been talking about. And it's so rich and it is, it can completely revolutionize and evolve your life and yourself and your business and and that's the reason that you and I enjoy this process so much this particular tool in in our businesses and in our lives.

Stephanie Allen:

So thank you. Thank you for taking the time to listen. And I hope that you all will be inspired. That you know that as you're listening to this, you'll be inspired, go to our website at Maren.

Maren Oslac:

Our website is the soulful leader project, which we've shortened to TSLP dot life. Yes, you'll find our free genius test there and discounted very cool for the month of February and March we are discounting the full profile test and debrief with us from it's it's like pretty much half off. So take advantage of that. If you're interested at all, we would love to chat with you about it. Thanks for joining us and we'll see you next week on the soulful leader podcast

Stephanie Allen:

and that wraps up another episode of the soulful leader Podcast with your hosts Stephanie Allen and

Maren Oslac:

Maren Oslac. Thank you for listening. If you'd like to dive deeper, head over to our website at the soulful leader

Stephanie Allen:

Until next time,